Mud Pie is here to help grow your business! Start exploring the multiple resources we have created just for you.
Our Quarterly Retailer Toolkits are full of tips and tricks to get you through three months of selling. Our toolkits provide trending information, inspiration for displays, social media planning tools and much more. Click the button below to get started!

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We've put together a collection of videos to help you navigate our new website experience.
Check out our current active promotions.
Not able to make it to show? Easily shop our virtual showroom from home and get display ideas and inspo for your store!
Stay organized with a printable social media calendar. Creative content for the upcoming months.
Learn more about our Minimum Advertised Price policy requirements here.
All of our forms live here. Fill out all necessary documents to keep your account up-to-date.
Here you will find our logo, brand guidelines and more! You can use this in your store, on your digital channels or your marketing materials.
Need product images for your POS system or ecomm platform? Download our easy step-by-step on how to export images right from your retailer dashboard.